A fresh new year, new goals, and a new perspective. When you’re thinking about what your goals are this year – I challenge you to ask yourself WHY they matter to you. Why is it your goal in the first place? Do you want to get fit? Stay more organized? Save money? When you think about the WHY behind what your goal is, why you’re ultimately doing it – and if that’s strong enough AND you can picture the FEELING you’ll have not only when you get there, but along the way – THAT is what will keep you going.
Then I want you to think about what the woman is wearing going after her goals. What you wear will help you FEEL like that woman you desire to be – and will give you the momentum to go after those dreams that you are so worthy of.
Fresh, new goals also often come with a fresh start – a clean slate – a new perspective – and I’d like to argue that all starts in your closet.
Your closet is the gateway to all things you want this year. How you will portray yourself. How you’ll feel when you leave your bedroom in the morning and how that will translate to how you show up for your kids, your focus and creativity at work – and in your relationships.
Before you dive into creating the wardrobe of your dreams – step one is organizination. When you walk into a fresh, organized closet – the feeling that gives you to start the day is crucial.

Maybe you’re in a rut and your room is a mess and everything is shoved into your closet and it’s one of those things you feel like you’ll “get to later”…
But what if you had the tools to start right now?
I’m talking about more than just hanging up and folding your clean clothes. Actually clean it out, get rid of stuff (I know, it’s hard.) But have no fear – I am here to ask you some questions that may make the process that much easier!

First – download this WARDROBE GUIDE to help you make your purging decisions easier! These are basics that are classic staple pieces that are the foundation to outfit combinations galore! Then come clean out your closet with ME! Literally! I’ll be hosting a Clean Out Session (totally free!) so I can guide you through this process and support you through it. Would LOVE to have you.
And if you can’t make it – set aside some time, turn up the music, and go to TOWN!
There are FIVE questions to ask yourself as you clean out:
If you were shopping now, would you buy it?
This is important to stick to that style vision you have for yourself! If the answer is NO, odds are you’ve outgrown that specific style. You are all allowed to outgrow styles and grow into new ones; that is what makes fashion so fun!
Have you worn it in the last 6 months?
This question is tricky because the last year has looked quite different – but ask yourself – will I WANT to wear this in the next 6 months? Will I want to wear it this week? If the answer is NO – bye bye! It doesn’t serve you anymore and time to upgrade!
Is it right for your body and coloring?
If you follow me on social you know how strongly I feel about wearing clothes that fit and flatter your body! If you don’t know where to start (hint: I can help! my free class is a great place to start) Not everything works for everyBODY and that is perfectly okay! Clothes are auditioning for YOU – not the other way around. If a piece is unflattering or the color doesn’t suit you – you’ll know it. And if it doesn’t make you feel AMAZING – it doesn’t deserve a spot in your closet. That real estate is gold. Treat it that way.
Do you love it?
Is this something that if you were to LOSE you’d be upset? If not – you can toss it to the donation bin. Does it light you up? Does it serve the vision you have for your style and the woman you want to be this year? Fill your closet with ONLY the pieces that serve that vision and watch your closet start to transform.
Is it in good condition?
We have all been there –a little part of us swears we can make it work with the stitching coming undone, but we know in our hearts it’s time to let go. If it looks worn and outdated – say your dearest goodbyes because it no longer serves you. Even if you love the item SO much -remember that wearing clothes that have lost their shape or that look over-worn can actually make you look frumpy and not put together, and who wants that? I know I don’t! And I don’t want that for you either – so time to say adios!
So there you have it! You have no idea how magical it’ll make you feel to get rid of clothes you’ve been holding on to. If you want help with the cleaning out process – you are in LUCK! I have a totally free “closet cleanout with Julie” happening next week. One hour of accountability and fun where we’ll be cleaning out our closets together and I’ll be there to answer your questions! Sign up HERE!
And until then – if you want more on cleaning out your closet AND 4 Simple Steps to Create Your Dream Closet {without spending a dime!} then check out my free 60 minute masterclass. Watch on demand HERE!

Happy cleaning out, friends!
Yeah! 🎉 I love this and have enjoyed working with you this past year. I love your guidance, support, and the tools you provide. Looking forward to your blog! 💜💜💜
[…] you need some help with what to keep and what to toss – this blog post should be very […]